In The Beginning

We Made A Band

The story of Millennium

Let’s begin at the beginning…

Ashley, Jonny and Matt are age old friends, who have been together in bands for well over 10 years. They first came together when Matt (drumemr) joined Ash and Jonny in their very popular hardcore outfit ‘Hopeless Potential’ back in 20**. Oddly enough Matt is a guitarist naturally, but always enjoyed playing and learning drums so he slid into the drum slot and became part of the band very quickly.

Fast forward a few years and a few more bands down the line and Matt once again joined up with Ash and Jonny after their previous drummer left their current band ‘Bring The Onslaught’. 

During Bring The Onslaughts time playing the heavy metal circuit the band decided that it was time to start a new project and go back to their grass roots favourite, the pop punk / emo genres from the late 1990s and early 2000s, so the band ‘Millennium’ was forced into existance!

practice session @ denmark studios

Springing into action was pretty natural for the guys as most of the songs we wanted to cover, we all knew already! So it’s been a pretty smooth transition from doing originals in teh metal band to covers. The only thing wer were missing at this point, was a bassist!

This is where Peter joins the party!

millennium band peter jackson

Peter Jackson

About Peter..